
There are many available resources with information about NY State of Health, including educational materials and videos. Click a filter type on the right side of the page to narrow this resources list and focus on a particular category. You can also filter by publication year.
  • Here to Help (Mandarin, 15s)



  • Here to Help (Spanish, 30s)

    Con todo lo que pasa a su alrededor, no descuide su cobertura salud. Las normas de renovación cambiaron. Visite nuestro sitio web o llame si necesita ayuda personalizada. Y mantenga asegurados a su familia y a usted.


  • Here to Help (Spanish, 15s)

    Con todo lo que pasa a su alrededor, no descuide su cobertura salud. Las normas de renovación cambiaron. Visite nuestro sitio web o llame si necesita ayuda personalizada. Y mantenga asegurados a su familia y a usted.


  • Here to Help (30s)

    With all you have going on, don’t let your health insurance slip through the cracks. Renewal rules have changed. Visit us online or call for personalized help and keep yourself and your family insured.


  • Here to Help (15s)

    With all you have going on, don’t let your health insurance slip through the cracks. Renewal rules have changed. Visit us online or call for personalized help and keep yourself and your family insured.


  • How to Find Your Enrollment End Date To Prepare For Renewal

    Keep your eyes open for your renewal information! If you are due to renew, you will receive your renewal notice in the mail or by email. This video will help you understand when your coverage ends so you do not experience a gap in health care coverage.