Want to know more about NY State of Health? Visit one of our representatives at the next event in your community. Click the flags on the map to find an event near you. Or, search for an event using the fields below. NY State of Health representatives will attend these events to answer questions regarding enrolling or re-enrolling in the Marketplace. The events are all open to the public.
- If you already enrolled in a plan through NY State of Health and have specific questions regarding your account or coverage, please call the Customer Service Center at 1-855-355-5777 or make an appointment with an enrollment assistor.
Search for Events
NY State of Health at Hostos Community College Annual Wellness Festival Event
City/Town: Hostos Community College, 450 Grand Concourse, in room C-380 (gymnasium), Bronx, New York, 10451
NY State of Health at Brooklyn College Health and Wellness Event
City/Town: 2900 Bedford Avenue (East Quad) , Brooklyn, New York, 11210
NY State of Health at Brooklyn College Resource Fair-West Quad Event
City/Town: 2900 Bedford Ave, Brooklyn, New York, 11210