
There are many available resources with information about NY State of Health, including educational materials and videos. Click a filter type on the right side of the page to narrow this resources list and focus on a particular category. You can also filter by publication year.
  • Unable to Connect (Mandarin, 15s - B)

    與 NY State of Health 保持聯絡十分重要!当 COVID-19 疫情结束时,您將需要續保您的健康保险。立即更新您的資訊,以便您知道何時續保健康保險!

  • Unable to Connect (Mandarin, 30s - A)

    保持聯絡至關重要。尤其是與您的健康保險保持聯絡!如果您已投保Medicaid、Child Health Plus 或 Essential Plan… 当 COVID-19 疫情结束时,您將需要續保您的健康保险。請立即與 NY State of Health 更新您的的聯絡方式,以便您知道何時續保!

  • Unable to Connect (Mandarin, 15s - A)

    與 NY State of Health 保持聯絡十分重要!当 COVID-19 疫情结束时,您將需要續保您的健康保险。立即更新您的資訊,以便您知道何時續保健康保險!

  • No Puede Conectarse (15s - B)

    ¡Es importante estar conectado con el NY State of Health! Cuando la pandemia de COVID-19 termine, tendrá que renovar su seguro médico. ¡Actualice su información hoy, para saber cuándo debe renovar!

  • No Puede Conectarse (30s - A)

    Es importante mantenerse conectado. ¡Especialmente a su seguro médico! Si está inscrito en Medicaid, Child Health Plus o el Essential Plan cuando la pandemia de COVID-19 termine, tendrá que renovar su seguro médico.

  • Unable To Connect (30s - B)

    It’s important to stay connected, especially to your health insurance. If you are enrolled in Medicaid, Child Health Plus, or the Essential Plan, when the COVID-19 pandemic is over, you will need to renew your health insurance.

  • Unable To Connect (15s - B)

    It’s important to stay connected to NY State of Health. When the COVID-19 pandemic is over, you will need to renew your health insurance. Update your information today, so you know when to renew.

  • Unable To Connect (15s - B)

    It’s important to stay connected to NY State of Health. When the COVID-19 pandemic is over, you will need to renew your health insurance. Update your information today, so you know when to renew.