
There are many available resources with information about NY State of Health, including educational materials and videos. Click a filter type on the right side of the page to narrow this resources list and focus on a particular category. You can also filter by publication year.
  • Two into One: Merging Markets and Exchanges under the Affordable Care Act

    This report, the third in a series of exchange-related works undertaken this year with the support of the New York State Health Foundation, focuses on two such areas of state discretion involving “mergers”: merging the individual and small business exchanges, and merging the individua

  • Implementing Federal Health Care Reform: A Roadmap for New York State

    This report provides a health care reform implementation roadmap for New York State, summarizing the major provisions of the ACA, analyzing their implications unique to the State, and outlining the key implementation tasks and issues that New York will confront as it begins ACA implementation.