
There are many available resources with information about NY State of Health, including educational materials and videos. Click a filter type on the right side of the page to narrow this resources list and focus on a particular category. You can also filter by publication year.
  • Have It When You Need It (Spanish, 30 seconds)

    El seguro médico no puede protegerlo de lo inesperado, pero puede brindarle esa tranquilidad de recibir ayuda cuando la necesita. Ahora, la inscripción está abierta en NY State of Health, lo que significa que es momento de inscribirse para 2023.

  • Have It When You Need It (Spanish, 15 seconds)

    La inscripción veinte veintitrés está ahora abierta en NY State of Health. Déjenos ayudarlo a encontrar un plan de seguro médico a bajo costo adecuado para usted.


  • Have It When You Need It (30 seconds)

    Health insurance can’t protect you from the unexpected. But it can give you that peace of mind that if you need help, you have it. Enrollment is now open at NY State of Health, which means it’s time to enroll for 2023.

  • Unable to Connect (Mandarin, 30s - B)

    保持聯絡至關重要。尤其是與您的健康保險保持聯絡!如果您已投保Medicaid、Child Health Plus 或 Essential Plan… 当 COVID-19 疫情结束时,您將需要續保您的健康保险。請立即與 NY State of Health 更新您的的聯絡方式,以便您知道何時續保!

  • Unable to Connect (Mandarin, 15s - B)

    與 NY State of Health 保持聯絡十分重要!当 COVID-19 疫情结束时,您將需要續保您的健康保险。立即更新您的資訊,以便您知道何時續保健康保險!

  • Unable to Connect (Mandarin, 30s - A)

    保持聯絡至關重要。尤其是與您的健康保險保持聯絡!如果您已投保Medicaid、Child Health Plus 或 Essential Plan… 当 COVID-19 疫情结束时,您將需要續保您的健康保险。請立即與 NY State of Health 更新您的的聯絡方式,以便您知道何時續保!

  • Unable to Connect (Mandarin, 15s - A)

    與 NY State of Health 保持聯絡十分重要!当 COVID-19 疫情结束时,您將需要續保您的健康保险。立即更新您的資訊,以便您知道何時續保健康保險!