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¡Es importante estar conectado con el NY State of Health! Cuando la pandemia de COVID-19 termine, tendrá que renovar su seguro médico. ¡Actualice su información hoy, para saber cuándo debe renovar!
¡Es importante estar conectado con el NY State of Health! Cuando la pandemia de COVID-19 termine, tendrá que renovar su seguro médico. ¡Actualice su información hoy, para saber cuándo debe renovar!
Es importante mantenerse conectado. ¡Especialmente a su seguro médico! Si está inscrito en Medicaid, Child Health Plus o el Essential Plan cuando la pandemia de COVID-19 termine, tendrá que renovar su seguro médico.
It’s important to stay connected, especially to your health insurance. If you are enrolled in Medicaid, Child Health Plus, or the Essential Plan, when the COVID-19 pandemic is over, you will need to renew your health insurance.
It’s important to stay connected to NY State of Health. When the COVID-19 pandemic is over, you will need to renew your health insurance. Update your information today, so you know when to renew.
It’s important to stay connected to NY State of Health. When the COVID-19 pandemic is over, you will need to renew your health insurance. Update your information today, so you know when to renew.
It’s important to stay connected, especially to your health insurance. If you are enrolled in Medicaid, Child Health Plus, or the Essential Plan, when the COVID-19 pandemic is over, you will need to renew your health insurance.
It’s important to stay connected to NY State of Health. When the COVID-19 pandemic is over, you will need to renew your health insurance. Update your information today, so you know when to renew.
As you work to secure your dream job after graduation, make sure your health is secured too. If you’re currently without coverage, you can enroll in a NY State of Health plan.
別忘了註冊以接收來自 NY State of Health 關於您健康保險的重要簡訊提醒,包括您的保險應何時續期! 如需訂閱,請編輯簡訊 START 發送至 1-866-988-0327.