All New Yorkers - February 7 (30 seconds)
NY State of Health is here to help you find the affordable health care you deserve.
NY State of Health is here to help you find the affordable health care you deserve.
NY State of Health is here to help you find the affordable health care you deserve.
New York State of Health將2020年的開放投保期的截止日期延長至2月7日。
您可以透過上網、電話或面對面與專人助理找到您的計劃並在New York State of Health完成投保。
You deserve affordable health care. NY State of Health is here to help you find a high-quality plan that fits your needs. That’s our job.
¡No es demasiado tarde para obtener atención médica asequible!
You deserve affordable health care. NY State of Health is here to help you find a high-quality plan that fits your needs.
El Estado de Salud de Nueva York extendió el plazo de inscripción abierta para obtener un plan de salud asequible hasta el 7 de febrero.
renewal renew health insurance recertify recertification Medicaid Renewal
The NYS Provider & Health Plan Look-Up was designed to give New Yorkers the information they need to make the best health care decisions for themselves and their families.
La herramienta de Búsqueda de Proveedores y Planes de Salud de NYS estaba diseñado para dar a los neoyorquinos la información que necesitan para hacer las mejores decisiones sobre atención médica para ellos mismos y sus familias.