請不要忽視您的健康保險 (30s)
請不要忽視您的健康保險! 在您收到我們的訊息時,請在您續保月的15日之前續保,否則有失去健保的風險 .
請不要忽視您的健康保險! 在您收到我們的訊息時,請在您續保月的15日之前續保,否則有失去健保的風險 .
Don’t ignore your health insurance! When you hear from us, renew by the 15th of your renewal month or risk losing coverage.
Don’t ignore this notification from NY State of Health, or risk losing your health insurance. When you hear from us, it’s time to take action to renew your health insurance. Be on the lookout for a notification from us and follow instructions right away.
Don’t ignore your health insurance! When you hear from us, renew by the 15th of your renewal month or risk losing coverage.
This fact sheet gives information about the Essential Plan. Please print, copy, link to and share.
This fact sheet gives information about the Essential Plan. Please print, copy, link to and share.
This fact sheet gives information about the Essential Plan. Please print, copy, link to and share.
This fact sheet gives information about the Essential Plan. Please print, copy, link to and share.
This fact sheet gives information about the Essential Plan. Please print, copy, link to and share.
This fact sheet gives information about the Essential Plan. Please print, copy, link to and share.