Questions about Renewals

Frequently asked questions about the return of renewals for New Yorkers who are enrolled in health insurance through NY State of Health:

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I haven’t had to renew Medicaid, Child Health Plus, or Essential Plan insurance for myself and/or my family members in a few years.  Does that mean I no longer have to renew my insurance each year?

No, you will have to renew your insurance again.  Due to requirements in federal law and other flexibilities, NY State of Health has kept you enrolled in Medicaid, Child Health Plus, or the Essential Plan without requiring you to renew your insurance every year.  However, federal law has changed and regular renewal processes will resume over the course of a year, beginning in Spring 2023.  NY State of Health will notify you via email, text, and/or mail when it’s time for you to renew each year.

When will I need to start renewing Medicaid, Child Health Plus, or Essential Plan insurance for myself and/or my family members?

This depends on when your current insurance is set to end.  Renewals will occur over the course of the year, the way they did before the federal law changed.  That means not everyone will renew their insurance at the same time.  For example, if your insurance is set to end in October, you will receive your notice in early September and you will need to act by the end of October.  NY State of Health will notify you via email, text, and/or by mail when it is time to renew insurance for yourself and/or your family members.  It is very important to pay close attention to all communications sent by NY State of Health through email, text, or the mail so your renewal goes smoothly and to avoid a loss of your insurance.

In the meantime, you should make sure your address, phone number and other contact information is up to date in your NY State of Health account, so you receive important notices.  Log into your NY State of Health account, call 1-855-355-5777, or contact an enrollment assistor to check and update your information.

How will I know when it is time to renew health insurance for myself and/or my family members?

NY State of Health will send you a notice via email or mail when it is time to renew insurance for yourself and/or your family members.  Be sure to confirm your NY State of Health account has your most up to date contact information so that you receive these renewal notices.

You can also sign up to receive text alerts from NY State of Health.  These alerts will tell you when it's time to renew your insurance and other important information.  To subscribe, text START to 1-866-988-0327.

What can I do to prepare for this change?

Make sure your address, phone number, and other contact information is up to date in your NY State of Health account.  Log into your NY State of Health account, call 1-855-355-5777, or contact an enrollment assistor to check and update your information.

You can also sign up to receive text alerts from NY State of Health, so you don't miss important health insurance updates, including when it's time to renew your insurance.  To subscribe, text START to 1-866-988-0327.  Learn more at

Where can I find information about my enrollment end date?

You will receive your renewal notice before your enrollment end date. Your enrollment end date is the date your insurance will end if you do not follow the instructions on your renewal notice.  You can find your enrollment end date in the following ways:


Plans tab


What will happen if I do not renew Medicaid, Child Health Plus, or Essential Plan insurance for myself and/or my family members by the deadline I am given in my renewal notice from NY State of Health?

If you do not renew insurance for yourself and/or family members by the deadline given, you are at risk of losing your health insurance.  It is very important that you pay attention to the communications sent from NY State of Health and renew your insurance by the deadline given.  If you think you missed the deadline, call 1-855-355-5777 or contact an enrollment assistor for help in getting re-enrolled in insurance as soon as possible.

What if NY State of Health determines that I and/or my family members are no longer eligible for Medicaid, Child Health Plus, or the Essential Plan after processing my renewal and I lose my insurance?

If you or a family member no longer qualify for Medicaid, Child Health Plus or the Essential Plan, you may be eligible to enroll in a Qualified Health Plan (QHP) through NY State of Health.  Enrollment in NY State of Health will remain open so anyone who loses their Medicaid, Child Health Plus or Essential Plan coverage during the redetermination process will be able to enroll in a QHP, if they qualify.  NY State of Health offers a broad choice of QHPs with comprehensive benefits.  More people than ever are qualifying for financial assistance to pay for their premiums.  Visit or call 1-855-355-5777 (TTY: 1-800-662-1220) to learn more and see if you might qualify for financial assistance.




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